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Creating a culture of CARE


Keynote & Breakout Sessions

Keynote: Creating a Culture of Care Using the Four Agreements

Lisa brings an upbeat attitude and years of practice and integration of being the change she wishes to see in the world. She will address the importance of maintaining personal well-being in order to best serve students. We are bombarded with an ever increasing workload with with multiple demands on our time and energy feeling often we are expected to do more with less! Many student service professionals sacrifice their own wellness in order to keep up with the hectic pace of this environment. Lisa will talk about how using The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz as a framework for our approach to creating a culture of care at NOVA.

Workshop: Creating a Personal Self-Care Plan


Come join the keynote speaker to further the conversation about creating a culture of care. This session will provide participants with opportunities to gain knowledge and skills to support their own personal well-being as well as their students’ through practicing mindfulness to decrease stress and increase wellness. After this session you will recognize the importance of self-care for yourself as a student service professional and the impact on your work with students. You will also develop a plan to implement 3 different self-care methods in your own life and incorporate it into your work with students.

Workshop: Feel the fear and do it anyway:

Why mastering fear is critical in living a life of purpose


How many times has fear stood in the way of you following your passion? Lisa will focus on how fear has the unique ability to steal potential, to stand in the way of dreams, to prevent people from living lives full of intentionality and purpose. This topic is especially important to address in the face of the mental health issues we are seeing in our students related to identity, risk, and failure. Lisa will address the pitfalls of living in fear and discuss how to feel the fear and do it anyway, creating a culture of care and collaboration. Attendees will walk away with a greater understanding of the different levels of fear and concrete, innovative, and sustainable tools to work through fear (personally and with your students). 

Keynote Presentation

Presentation Slides


slides here

Maintaining wellness in our personal lives is critical to our service to students!

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© 2019 by Lisa Laughter 

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